The procedure
To start the procedure, you must have hair long enough for the electrologist to pick up each hair with tweezers . Recommended length 5 mm. Hairs that are too long are extremely inconvenient to remove, while hairs that are too short cannot be removed with tweezers. Therefore, preparation is necessary.
During the electroepilation procedure , the specialist inserts a needle into the follicle and removes each hair individually . If several hairs grow from the same area, the specialist may need to coagulate several times. The first procedures should take enough time, usually from 1 hour, but with each subsequent procedure, the time will decrease, and at the end of the course, a fairly large area can be epilated in just 15 minutes.
At the end of the procedure, the epilated area must be treated and kept clean, avoiding moisture and heat . Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from visiting baths, saunas and solariums.
What does the result depend on?
1. Uniform hair growth
If you have practiced other methods of hair removal and performed epilation more often than once every 5 weeks, then you will first need to smooth out hair growth (in the first 3-4 visits, the hairs that were removed by other methods will grow back, and the intervals between visits may be shorter).
2. Moisturized live hairs
Before starting the course of electroepilation, we recommend removing all hairs from the desired area by the root, for example by sugaring or waxing, in order to restore the growth stage and remove "old hairs" in the catagen and telogen phases. Also, don't forget to moisturize your skin with cosmetics and creams. Dry skin is extremely difficult to work with.
3. Regularity of visits
To be successful, you must systematically attend the procedures, only in such conditions will the specialist be sure that he is working with anagen hair. Once this growth phase has passed and the dying phase has begun, the procedure is likely to produce limited results.
The recommended interval between procedures is 5 weeks.
4. Other deficiencies between sessions
If it happens that you cannot come to the session on time and the interval increases, we recommend using only a trimmer or scissors to shorten the length of the hair, sugaring or other epilation removal may delay the result.
Electroepilation is an invasive procedure, so any contact must be made with a sterile instrument.
For the same reason, needles are used only once and are not reused even for the same person.
After procedures
After the hair removal session
Although electroepilation causes some trauma to the epilated area, this is an expected effect and is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. After electrolysis of thick hair, red dots may appear, which dry up and turn into a crust after the procedure. With proper care and no tendency to pigmentation, they disappear within 2 weeks. This is not a burn, but a normal reaction - a consequence of the strength of the current for an effective effect.
In the area of the face and the area of growth of fine hair, "dots" are usually not observed, because the specialist uses weak energy. Slight redness disappears within an hour.
Proper skin care after the procedure
After the electroepilation procedure, the specialist always provides instructions for home care, but home care and hygiene are entirely the client's responsibility.
Recommended home remedies:
cooling aloe vera gel
panthenol spray (effective immediately after the procedure)
antiseptic talc (effective as a drying agent immediately after)
cindol and other medicines intended for the treatment of dermatitis
moisturizing lotions and light creams (in the entire interval between procedures)
After the procedure, the skin retains part of the heat for some time, so additional skin injuries should be avoided for at least 48 hours after the procedure, namely:
take a hot bath or shower
go to the sauna or sauna
sunbathing both outside and in the solarium (when epilating the face, use a cream with an SPF factor, even in winter)
make scrubs or peelings
wear tight and synthetic clothing
apply deodorant and perfume to the treated area
actively engage in sports (body temperature and sweating also increase)
swim in pools that contain chlorine
If signs of complications appear, a specialist should be contacted immediately.